The Baldwin Group, Inc. (BGI) has been busy updating our systems in an effort to better serve our HDIS clients. As part of the process, we are transitioning our HDIS client support agreements to a standard calendar year renewal period.
Why are we making this change?
To ensure that the annual support renewals for all HDIS clients are uniform when renewal periods crossover from one support year to the next.
What does this mean for you?
Your invoice for the calendar year 2023 could be for a partial month and year depending on your current renewal date.
How does this benefit our Health Department?
A uniform renewal period for all HDIS clients ensures that you will be in receipt of your annual agreement and the associated documents (W-9 and invoice) well ahead of your renewal period.
What if my renewal date is currently mid-month?
The amounts on your invoice will reflect a prorated amount depending on the cutoff date. Will I receive multiple invoices for 2024 and 2025, the new coverage period? It is possible. Depending on your current renewal date, you could receive multiple invoices – one for the support period ending 12/31/24, and another for the renewal period 01/01/25 – 12/31/25. We are currently only planning on issuing multiple invoices to our HDIS clients whose current renewal dates are on/after 09/01/24, unless requested.
Will this increase my support?
This change has no bearing on price increases. BGI, following industry standards, has increased our annual fees with each renewal period, while making every effort to keep annual increases within reason.
Is BGI discontinuing the HDIS product line?
BGI will continue to offer HDIS as part of our suite of products, and there are no plans to discontinue the product line. As a reputable company, with over 40 years of impeccable service to our clients, we pride ourselves on the quality of our products.
Should you have any questions/concerns we have not addressed, please feel free to reach out to